Love Her Like There’s No Tomorrow

Alecia Kennedy
8 min readSep 4, 2019

It is nearly 10:00 am on a Monday morning, the time we were told she would arrive. Although we don’t know it yet, this moment will forever change our lives. Suddenly, a car appears in front of the house. A young woman emerges from the driver’s seat and quickly opens the rear door of the car.

Although this action is executed in seconds, it feels as though time is standing still. My mind races with questions. Should I run out and help her? Should I just sit here? What is appropriate? I don’t know how to act.

“She’s here,” I tell my husband as I watch the young woman start toward the door, bundle in hand, through the picture window in our living room. My husband and I rush out to meet her.

We crowd around the social worker and the tiny blonde baby she holds. “This is Bella”, she says. I reach for Bella and hold her close. I pull my husband in tight for our first family photo.

I immediately regret not taking my eleven-year-old daughter Abigail out of school to share this moment. I must admit that I didn’t realize what a big deal it would be to me. Later when I look at that picture, I will see two very happy adults and one small confused seven-month old.

